Classification as a Factor in the Scientific Evolution of Entrepreneurship


  • Minet Schindehutte Miami University
  • Michael H. Morris Miami University
  • Donald F. Kuratko Ball State University


Taxonomy, or the establishment of meaningful classification schemes, is examined as a major stage in the development of disciplines. The role of classification in the advancement of entrepreneurship  is  established  Approaches  to  developing  classification  schemes,  and criteria for  assessing  them,  are  discussed.  Key  classification  schemes  in five  different   areas within entrepreneurship are evaluated Shortcomings are noted, and  priorities  are established for taxonomic development. A framework  is  proposed  for  developing  an integrative classification for  the discipline  of entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Classification as a Factor in the Scientific Evolution of Entrepreneurship. (2000). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 11(2), 1-20.