Influencing Government: What do Small Firms Do?


  • Ronald G. Cook Rider University


This study examined the political strategies of successful small firms.   The research revealed that first, these small firms follow prerequisite steps to enhance the receptivity of their messages by policymakers. The firms then utilize, with varying degrees of frequency, the following eight political strategies: feller writing, hiring consultants, making personal contact with government officials (testimony at public hearings, and meetings/phone calls with policy makers), participation in an association or chamber, forming a coalition, conducting publicity events (press conferences or media interviews), and being personally involved in the elective/electoral process (either running for office or playing a significant role in another person's campaign). The advantages/disadvantages of each strategy are discussed, and suggestions for future research are offered.


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How to Cite

Influencing Government: What do Small Firms Do?. (1996). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 7(1), 49-68.