Why Learning Styles Matter For Student Achievement In College Economics


  • Ralph A Terregrossa
  • Fred Englander
  • Zhaobo Wang


This paper explores the link between student achievement and student learning styles in a college microeconomics course, based on the Dunn and Dunn model of learning styles.  The Productivity Environmental Survey (PEPS) is utilized to measure learning style preferences for twenty elements.  Factor analysis is applied to reduce the multidimensional preferences to a smaller set of common factors that identify analytic, global or indifferent learning styles.  The common factors are used as explanatory variables to measure the correlation between student achievement and their learning styles.  The empirical methodology developed in this study also provides a test of the internal validity of the Dunn and Dunn model, the construct validity of the PEPS instrument and the predictive validity of the model.  The authors explain how the results of the current research could be utilized to more generally enhance student achievement in the instruction of introductory economics and potentially other subject matter.


