The Academic Transformation Of HRM In China


  • Richard L Hannah


In the past few years most of the literature about HR in China can be characterized as taking a comparative view of different models—e.g., Western, Japanese, or Asian.  This literature can be further subdivided into two categories.  One is the broad panorama of the industrial relations view, which tries to explain the dynamic interplay of several disciplines such as law, labor market behavior, and workplace institutions.  The other is the practice of HR within Chinese establishments, analyzed by organizational form such as joint ventures or direct foreign investments, or by size and location. 

This paper takes a very different perspective by developing a description of the academic dimension of HR in China.  This is important because of the need for a Chinese intellectual cadre of sufficient critical mass to perpetuate local research, upgrade teaching content, and compete with other views in putting forth practical solutions.  No less is the need to produce competent HR professionals in great numbers.

The paper is presented as a cursory description of the status of HR in Chinese higher education.  In this context it is a work in progress, and hopefully other scholars interested in the topic will contribute to the small body of information presented herein.  


