Service Marketing for the Smaller Firm


  • Edward W. Wheatley East Carolina University
  • Ernest B. Uhr East Carolina University


Concepts being developed in the field of services marketing management can be applied by the smaller firm. The small firm can be more responsive. flexible and personal than the larger competitor. The authors believe that small service firms may be able to leverage these competitive advantages by utilizing marketing strategies and actions designed to capitalize on the unique characteristics of services. The marketing strategies of dramatization, demand management, process engineering, and relationship management offer the small service firm significant opportunities for competitive advantage. “Service Managers’ Action Guidelines" are presented in an effort to assist small firm managers in implementing services marketing techniques. Guidelines are based on four characteristics which strategically y differentiate the marketing services from products. Four strategies are recommended to assist managers in taking advantage of strategic service differences and opportunities. Several action recommendations are offered for each strategy.


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How to Cite

Service Marketing for the Smaller Firm. (1993). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 4(2), 1-10.