Why Small Firms Are Different: Addressing Varying Needs From Boards of Directors


  • Josh Bendickson East Carolina University
  • Phillip E. Davis East Carolina University
  • Birton J. Cowden University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Eric W. Liguori University of Tampa


Board of director member diversity has an impact on the functions each director successfully provides. Appropriate and necessary board member capabilities differ between small and large firms. Although these differences seem apparent, current research has favored studies related to large firms and neglected those related to board member needs of small firms. Grounded in Agency Theory and Resource Dependence Theory, the following manuscript theoretically suggests that firm size moderates the relationship between board member diversity and the two primary functions (monitoring and the provision of resources) of board members. Furthermore, small firms can enhance performance through appropriate member composition in differing ways than large firms.


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How to Cite

Why Small Firms Are Different: Addressing Varying Needs From Boards of Directors. (2015). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 25(2), 41-58. https://libjournals.mtsu.edu/index.php/jsbs/article/view/560