A Model of Potential Entrepreneurship: Profiles and Educational Implications


  • James W. Carland Western Carolina University
  • JoAnn C. Carland Western Carolina University


In an effort to determine the propensity for  entrepreneurship  of potential  entrepreneurs, students enrolled in Small Business Management classes at the graduate and undergraduate level were examined. A series of surveys including Jackson's Personality Inventory for Innovation and Risk Taking, and Jackson's PRF for Need for Achievement as well as the Carland Entrepreneurship Index were completed. The results supported the empirical development of a model of potential entrepreneurship. That model was tested from theoretical, statistical and visual perspectives. Finally, the model was used to develop implications for entrepreneurship education.


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How to Cite

A Model of Potential Entrepreneurship: Profiles and Educational Implications. (1997). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 8(1), 1-14. https://libjournals.mtsu.edu/index.php/jsbs/article/view/355