The SBI Program and Student Outcomes: A Study of Business Policy Classes


  • Larry R. Watts Stephen F. Austin State University
  • William T. Jackson Stephen F. Austin State University


This study represents a preliminary  inquiry ID determine the value of combining SBI and Policy into a singular curriculum. A comparison of this combined formal was made wi1h the traditional Policy course. A slightly modified Job Diagnostic Survey (Hackman & Oldham, 1975) and a skills/usefulness scale (Hoffman, Fon1eno1 & Viswanathan, 1990) was administered ID assess the difference between the two groups. Results suggested that the combined formal  met or exceeded the ou1comes of the traditional Policy course.


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How to Cite

The SBI Program and Student Outcomes: A Study of Business Policy Classes. (1995). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 6(1), 93-103.