Family Business Ownership and Management: A Gender Comparison


  • Matthew C. Sonfield Hofstra University
  • Robert N. Lussier Springfield College


While family firms account for an estimated 80 percent of all American businesses, and about one-third of these family businesses are owned by women, there has been minimal study of gender issues in family business ownership and management. In contrast to early (pre-1980) gender comparisons in management and entrepreneurs hip, this study found general similarities and few significant differences in a variety of management activities and styles between family businesses with at least half the owner-managers being women and those with less than half. These findings add to the limited and currently inconclusive body of knowledge regarding gender issues in family business, entrepreneurship, and management in general.


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How to Cite

Family Business Ownership and Management: A Gender Comparison. (2004). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 15(2), 59-76.