The Representation of Differing Abilities in Children’s Literature: A Local Analysis


  • Jamiee L. Hartenstein
  • Klaire Brumbaugh
  • Julianna Holguin
  • Adriatik Likcani


The authors explored representation of disability in one hundred children’s books. In this study a content analysis methodology was used to identify the portrayal of medical conditions listed by the ADA in books that are most frequently checked out for ages 0 to 6 years old. The results suggest that library displays and communications better showcase and share books that are representative as well as, more books that have characters with disabilities in primary roles. Finally, the implications of the results suggest that representation is important as it increases the desire to read and contributes to the development of positive self-esteem.



2023-06-01 — Updated on 2023-06-20
