Page Turners: Books for Children


  • Patricia Crawford
  • Maria Genest
  • Katrina Bartow
  • Carla K. Meyer
  • Michelle J. Sobolake


In the graphic novel world, Maus, by Art Spiegelman, is considered one of the most influential graphic novels. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Maus helped the format to gain legitimacy as a format worthy of teaching and reading. Maus speaks to and literally illustrates the horrors of the Holocaust in graphic form making the fear, guilt, and relief experienced, by Vladek Spiegelman (and all Survivors) tangible to the reader. The work also explores the long-term trauma experienced by children of survivors, something not many Holocaust stories address. Maus tells the story from a Jewish perspective which is sometimes overlooked in favor of Holocaust stories which prioritize the heroics of Gentiles over the horror of the victims. As the world loses survivors, works like Maus become even more important. Their stories cannot be forgotten. Maus honors these stories and should be a must read in every American classroom. Ages 12+. (CKM)






Page Turners: Books for Children