A Ranking of State Governments' Efficient Use of Expenditures to Encourage Small Firm Births


  • Whitney O Peake Murray State University
  • Maria L. Marshall Purdue University
  • Paul V. Preckel Purdue University


We assume state governments are rational in their budgeting behavior. If this is true, then it is intuitive that they would allocate their expenditures so as to receive the maximum possible benefit for the least cost. Within the parameters of this study, we assume state governments work to receive the maximum number of firm births for the least amount of expenditure. Using regression analysis, we attempt to determine common state government expenditures that indirectly promote firm birth. We then employ non-parametric efficiency testing to rank states by their relative efficiency in using the significant expenditures to promote firm births. The regression results reveal three positive and significant expenditures in determining small firm birth, while relative efficiency rankings based on the use of these target expenditures indicate how states compare to their peers in terms of efficient expenditure use.


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How to Cite

A Ranking of State Governments’ Efficient Use of Expenditures to Encourage Small Firm Births. (2007). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 18(2), 43-56. https://libjournals.mtsu.edu/index.php/jsbs/article/view/88

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