The Role of Field-Based Business Consulting Experiences in AACSB Business Education: An Exploratory Survey and Study


  • Martha Doran San Diego State University
  • Don Sciglimpaglia San Diego State University
  • Howard Toole San Diego State University


This  research   was  designed   to  explore   the   critical   variables   associated   with field-based consultancy  (FBC)  experiences   as  an  aid  to  designing  successful   FBC  programs.      It   is generally  acknowledged  that  there are  both advantages  and disadvantages  associated  with FBC' at  the student,   instructor,   and  institutional  level.    Deans,   other  university  administrators, and faculty   have  sometimes  questioned  this form   of program   instruction, from   the perspectives of resource  allocation  and the appropriateness  of this type of faculty  activity  in the typical university reward system.   A  mail survey  was conducted of business school  administrators  to ascertain the extent of involvement  with FBC and the associated success factors.    The findings from   this  study  validate  some  basic  underpinnings  of  business  education  curriculum  and ,design.  Student-based factors  influencing success  include smaller classes,  usually at a senior or graduate level, graded coursework (as opposed to pass/fail), and full-time students. As a learning method, field-based learning adds value to students, to clients involved, to the faculty and to the institutions. The hurdles continue to be the need for a fair allocation of the time and resources  to the parties   involved.


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How to Cite

The Role of Field-Based Business Consulting Experiences in AACSB Business Education: An Exploratory Survey and Study. (2001). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 12(1), 8-18.