Small Business Consulting: A 10-Region Analysis of Small Business Institute Programs, 1990*


  • Marilyn Young University of Texas at Tyler
  • George Joyce University of Texas at Tyler


Small  Business  Institute  programs  have  operated  in the  U .S . for  almost  two decades.  This particular i1ehicle for small business consulting has  been the focus of many studies. However, a comparative analysis of the programs of the 10 SBA geographical regions has yet to be undertaken. This study examines similarities and differences in the SBI programs  in all 10  regions and  at the same time provides a database upon which other hypotheses may be developed . The benefits anticipated from the results of the research may be used in public policy decisions and in evaluating contributions  by SBIs  to the private  sector .


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How to Cite

Small Business Consulting: A 10-Region Analysis of Small Business Institute Programs, 1990*. (1992). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 3(1), 17-30.