An Examination of the Relationship Between Strategy and Human Resource Management Practices among Small Businesses


  • Elyssa Blanton Schultz Louisiana State University
  • Nathan Bennett Louisiana State University
  • David J. Ketchen, Jr. Louisiana State University


Although   it has been asserted  that an organization's  strategy  is, or should  be, a major determinant  of its human resource  management practices,  little empirical research has addressed this linkage in small businesses.  Therefore, we do not know whether managers of small firms have devoted resources to design, implement, and support  human resource management practices that are aligned with firm strategy. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to examine the nature and extent of the relationship, if any, between strategy and human resource management practices among small  businesses.   The results offer little evidence of a consistent relationship. This suggests that an opportunity to build future competitive advantage may be realized through strategically managing human resources.


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How to Cite

An Examination of the Relationship Between Strategy and Human Resource Management Practices among Small Businesses. (1997). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 8(1), 35-48.