Uganda Entrepreneurs: Why Are They In Business


  • Edward D. Bewayo Montclair State University


The role of entrepreneurship in economic development is well recognized in most western countries.   The recognition of this role  is increasingly  becoming  international  as many East European and third world countries replace state capitalism with free enterprise economic systems.  This paper reports on a survey study done about the development and future  prospects  of entrepreneurship  in Uganda.   Based  upon responses from  208 small business owners, the paper discusses what motivates Uganda entrepreneurs,  their risk taking willingness, and the involvement of family  members in the family  business.  The majority of Uganda  entrepreneurs  cited monetary considerations as the main reason for  going  into business, which could be a reflection of Uganda's current economic conditions. However , most of them would not exchange business ownership for jobs even if jobs became available and paid as well as their businesses. This was due to the independence Uganda entrepreneurs enjoy as business owners. Uganda entrepreneurs become entrepreneurs for monetary reasons but remain entrepreneurs for  the freedom  entrepreneurship accords them.


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How to Cite

Uganda Entrepreneurs: Why Are They In Business. (1995). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 6(1), 67-78.