The Relationship Between Planning and Information Source/Media Used by Small Firms


  • John N. Pearson Arizona State University
  • Larry R. Smeltzer Arizona State University
  • Gail Fann Thomas Naval Postgraduate School


The objective of this study was to examine information sources/media used by small business managers and their relationships to the planning process, entrepreneurial intensity and firm performance. A significant positive relationship between information source/media used and planning process sophistication was found among 165 small business managers by means of semi-structured , in-depth interviews. In addition, high-performing companies revealed different information sources/media than low-performing companies. Finally, no relationship was found between entrepreneurial intensity and information sources/media used.  Implications for future  research and small business managers are presented.


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How to Cite

The Relationship Between Planning and Information Source/Media Used by Small Firms. (1995). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 6(1), 35-52.