The Formal and Informal Venture Capital Industry


  • W. Keith Schilit University of South Florida


This article examines the nature and activity of the formal and informal venture capital industry. Combined, there is a pool of nearly $100 billion in formal and informal venture capital in this country that is available for investment in emerging growth businesses. Although traditionally venture capital investments were targeted to early stage - and often "high tech" - companies, there has been a  growing  tendency  on  the part  of  venture  capitalists  to invest  in "low tech," later stage  businesses  as  well  as  in LBOs.  This article also examines the criteria used by venture  capitalists  in making  investment  decisions.


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How to Cite

The Formal and Informal Venture Capital Industry. (1992). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 3(2), 39-50.