SME Internet Use: The Moderating Role of Normative Influence
Of all electronic commerce technologies, the Internet is particularly relevant to SMEs interested in improving efficiency and competitive position. A consistent theme in the SME Internet adoption literature relates to the potential importance of accounting for normative influence. We extend thinking in the area by exploring the potential moderating effect of behavioral normative influence in SME technology acceptance. Consistent with predictions, owner/manager perceptions of normative Internet usage are found to interact with usefulness perceptions, which moderate the relationship between owner/manager perceived usefulness and Internet usage intention. Specifically, when normative influence is not perceived to be prevalent in the SME's environment, perceptions that the Internet could prove useful have a strong positive effect on ow ner/manager intention to increase usage of the Internet. In contrast, when the SME context is perceived to be associated with strong normative influence, usefulness perceptions do not greatly affect owner/manager intention to increase use of the Internet.References
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