Effect of Participation in Business Membership Organizations on the Size and Occupational Diversity of Entrepreneurs' Core Business Discussion Network


  • Lee J. Zane Rider University
  • Michele K. Masterfano Drexel University


Participation in social networks is associated with increased odds for entrepreneurial success, but few studies suggest how one best establishes a social network. This study investigates the effect that participation in business or professional membership organizations has on the size and occupational diversity of business owners' core business discussion networks. It compares the networks of those who belong to business-type membership organizations against those who do not. Results suggest that belonging to these organizations has a significant effect on the size and composition of the core business discussion network for male business owners, but not for females.


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How to Cite

Effect of Participation in Business Membership Organizations on the Size and Occupational Diversity of Entrepreneurs’ Core Business Discussion Network. (2011). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 22(2), 71-92. https://libjournals.mtsu.edu/index.php/jsbs/article/view/160