Is Strategy Different for Very Small and New Firms?


  • G. T. Lumpkin Syracuse University
  • Alexander McKelvie Syracuse University
  • David M. Gras Syracuse University
  • Robert S. Nason Syracuse University


In this paper, we argue that much of the small business strategic management literature has drawn too heavily from work done on large, established firms. We build upon the notions of the liabilities of smallness and newness to discuss how microenterprises and very new firms are different in regards to their strategic analysis, strategic content, strategic resources, and strategic processes. We note that there are a number of important and non-obvious questions that need to be asked that have implications for the most common firms in the world, those that are very small.


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How to Cite

Is Strategy Different for Very Small and New Firms?. (2010). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 21(2), 1-26.