Strategy as a Determinant of the Perceived value of Outsider Assistance to New Ventures: An Exploratory Study


  • James J. Chrisman University of Calgary
  • George W. Danforth GulfNet, Inc.


This study  extends  the  research  011  outsider  assistance  by  comparing  a venture's strategy with the types of assistance  it  received.  Results suggest that  certain  types  of assistance are more highly valued by ventures following certain types of strategies. Unfortunately, results also show that most ventures do not receive  the types assistance  that best  support  their strategies.  Directions for   entrepreneurs and  outsider  assistance  programs are  offered  to address  this problem.


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How to Cite

Strategy as a Determinant of the Perceived value of Outsider Assistance to New Ventures: An Exploratory Study. (1995). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 6(2), 47-68.