Surviving Hardship Through Religion: Womanist Theology in Beyoncé’s “Lemonade”
In 2016, Beyoncé’s Lemonade premiered during a time of high political, social, and radical tension. Knowles creates an album that is not just about her, but also exhibits pride in blackness while revealing her vulnerability. Beyoncé exposed issues surrounding not only her relationship to her husband but also the African American community. Viewing Lemonade through the lens of Delores S. Williams’s definition of Womanist testimony regarding the struggles of identity and survival, it is possible to trace this message retroactively through biblical times. Religious tools like The Curse of Ham caused a generational trauma within the African American commu-nity that created a brokenness that continues to resonate. Beyoncé exhibits religious allegories and themes through Womanist Theology by confronting the brokenness of her relationship in Lemonade. This includes the process of forgiving her husband’s infidelity and preserving her family unit.
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