About the Journal
Focus and Scope
We accept academic articles from the humanities, the sciences, and the social sciences. They must be written by a MTSU undergraduate student, a MTSU graduate student, or a recent alumnus.
Since we actively encourage submissions, if you have any doubts about a potential submission, please contact us for more information!
Section Policies
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
ALL ARTICLES undergo a double-blind peer review process from two separate reviewers, which usually entails subsequent revision before final acceptance. In double-blind peer review, authors and reviewers remain anonymous, which ensures objectivity.
PEER REVIEWERS primarily examine a paper's argument, evidence, logical and stylistic consistency, and the ability of a paper to answer and meet potential counter objections. Peer reviewers will look for ways for revision to "deepen" or extend a paper's argument. A peer reviewer's commentary will generally consist of "global"-level changes, unless the reviewer decides to give general commentary about the academic style of the piece. "Local"-level commentary will occur in the proofing stage.
Generally, most submissions go through multiple revisions -- but we'll work to eventually publish all authors willing to undertake those revisions.
FACULTY REVIEWS, checking for discipline-specific quality assurance, handle the article after the peer reviewers have given their approval. Once the article passes this stage, it then heads to proofreading and copyediting.
Initial response time: is usually less a month. This includes receiving feedback from both peer reviewers, after which the author works with the editor-in-chief or associate editor.
Entire process time: about 2-5 months. The time usually depends on the number of revisions as well as how quickly peer reviewers and copy editors complete their tasks. Submissions which meet the Fall deadline stand a significantly higher chance of inclusion in that year's issue.
Publication Frequency
Scientia publishes one issue annually. Scientia is indexed with OAI-PMH harvesters, search engines, and databases such as WorldCat, Google Scholar, and DOAJ.
Open Access Policy, Archiving, and Reuse
Scientia is an open-access journal. By making research freely available, we help support the greater global exchange of knowledge. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles in this journal, and to use them for any other lawful purpose. There are no article submission or processing charges. Each journal volume is preserved via the Walker Library's three level preservation methods including local and cloud storage. The author(s) retains/retain the copyright to the work, but grants Scientia et Humanitas the right to publish, display, and distribute the work in the Scientia et Humanitas journal, in print and electronic format. Works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Statement of Ethics
- The multidisciplinary journal, Scientia et Humanitas (Scientia), works to ensure ethical practices and procedures in the review and publication of its manuscripts. Scientia protects the quality of its publication and deems plagiarism and any copyright infringement unacceptable. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to understand and abide by the policies and guidelines set forth by Scientia.
- Scientia adheres to the publication ethics guidelines set forth by the Transparency and Best Practices Guidelines created by the Committee on Publication Ethics, the DOAJ, OASPA and the World Association of Medical Editors.
- invites submissions, assigns reviewers, receives reviews, announces manuscript decisions via email and publishes issues of the journal online.
Authors are to:
- avoid copyright infringement
- reveal any financial support of the study and conflicts of interest
- be listed as such only if valuable contributions are made to the manuscript
- ensure the work submitted is original and not concurrently under review at any other publication outlet
- report any inadvertent errors to reviewer(s) and editor(s)
- guarantee accuracy of the work
- properly acknowledge and reference sources as outlined in the author and submission guidelines of Scientia
Reviewers must:
- treat manuscripts as confidential documents
- guarantee full objectivity in their reviews
- report incidents that will impact anonymity immediately
remain anonymous in order to maintain confidentiality
work to improve the quality of manuscripts by providing thorough and constructive reviews, comments and feedback to authors and editors
reveal any potential conflicts of interest
abstain from personal attacks against authors
not be held responsible for the accuracy of data and results in the manuscript
Editors will:
- make publication decisions based solely on the academic merit of the material
- not make publication decisions or attempt to influence manuscripts for commercial or political reasons
- investigate if made aware of any research misconduct
- make reviewers aware of any publication corrections
Privacy Statement
Names and e-mail addresses will never be shared with any agency or individual outside of Scientia et Humanitas.
MTSU University Honors College