An Empirical Analysis of Benefits of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Implementation: Implications for New It Implementation


  • Deepak Khazanchi University of Nebraska at Omaha


This paper  reports that the benefits accrued from  implementing  and integrating Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can be conceptualized into two factors. First, firms derive operational/tactical benefits by predominantly focusing on increasing internal utility of this technology. Second, firms derive strategic benefits from EDI in the form of better external relationships and alliances with trading partners and an enhanced ability to compete in their market. Among other significant findings, there are clear indications from the correlation statistics reported here that experience with EDI, industrial category of a firm and the level of EDI integration have a significant  influence on the ability of a firm  to obtain long-term (strategic) benefits from  such IT projects. These results also have significant implications for SME managers/stakeholders considering new interorganizational  IT  initiatives.


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How to Cite

An Empirical Analysis of Benefits of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Implementation: Implications for New It Implementation. (2002). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 13(1), 45-61.