Preparing Small Business for Workforce 2000: A Pilot Study


  • Thomas Clark Xavier University
  • Arthur Shriberg Xavier University
  • Stephen R. Wester Xavier University


This study examines the results of research designed to examine the relationship between the growing diversity of the American workforce and the personnel practices of small business. This paper accomplishes four goals: fl I ) highlights the implications of the Workforce 2000 findings for small business managers' personnel practices; 2) reports the methodology and results of telephone and in-depth face-to-face interviews to determine if current small business human resource practices in a mid-sized , midwestern American city are responsive to  changes in the workforce; 3) clarifies the strategy and tactics small business managers should implement to adapt their personnel programs to the changing workforce environment ; and 4) serves as a pilot stud y for future research.


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How to Cite

Preparing Small Business for Workforce 2000: A Pilot Study. (1995). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 6(1), 1-20.