Tapping the Benefits of the Living Case Methodology: A Case Study


  • Janet Bear Wolverton Southern Oregon University
  • Roy A. Cook Fort Lewis College


The traditional case methodology has been used effectively in business education since  1921. Although   this   method   of   instruction  promotes   critical   thinking,   problem   solving   and communication skills, there are inherent disadvantages associated with it.  In an attempt to address these disadvantages, the researchers utilized the living case methodology in  a capstone senior strategy course. In the living case environment, students became active participants in the case. They interact with the decision makers of the company to gather the data, analyze it and determine the relevancy of the data in the decision making process. The concluding comments of the business owner as well as those of the instructor add insight to the advantages  of the living  case  methodology  as an  instructional  tool.


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How to Cite

Tapping the Benefits of the Living Case Methodology: A Case Study. (2000). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 11(1), 74-84. https://libjournals.mtsu.edu/index.php/jsbs/article/view/442