Leveraging Intellect in a Small Business: Designing an Infrastructure to Support Today's Knowledge Worker


  • Robert L. Cross Boston University


The intensity of competition and pace with which knowledge becomes obsolete are heralding an era where leadership, structure and control systems must increasingly focus on management of knowledge and skills. Such an environment requires management to systematically design an infrastructure that is tailored to the needs of an increasingly mobile knowledge worker and supports organizational learning in areas of strategic concern. Small businesses face  a unique challenge in this environment as they often do not have the time or a sufficient ''mass " of employees to sustain sophisticated recruiting, development or performance management programs. In the following article, the authors argue the real world imperative of crafting an infrastructure that supports organizational learning from the very inception of a business, and provide some manageable approaches to this task for any small business.


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How to Cite

Leveraging Intellect in a Small Business: Designing an Infrastructure to Support Today’s Knowledge Worker. (1997). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 8(1), 15-34. https://libjournals.mtsu.edu/index.php/jsbs/article/view/356