An Analysis of Sub-Contracting Relationships Based on the Sub-Contractor/Customer Technology Exchange Portfolio: Some Empirical Findings*


  • Corrado Lo Storto ODDISSEO-University of Naples and DIMEG-University of Padua


In the last decade, subcontracting relationships have assumed a particular weight in the strategy of managers searching/or efficiency, flexibility, and quality. Subcontracting is not a new industrial practice. Reasons and ways firms' recourse to it have changed. Exchange relation­ ships have become highly complex in their nature.  In order to manage complexity, multiple channels for the coordination of the activities are developed, and an intensive exchange of technology is established. This paper reports some findings of an empirical exploratory study aimed at investigating  the nature of technology flow  in the customer firm/subcontractor interaction. A sample of Italian small and medium subcontractors was considered.


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How to Cite

An Analysis of Sub-Contracting Relationships Based on the Sub-Contractor/Customer Technology Exchange Portfolio: Some Empirical Findings*. (1994). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 5(2), 53-64.