Beyond Survival: Reshaping Entrepreneurial Vision In Successful Growing Ventures


  • Steven H. Hanks Utah State University
  • L. R. McCarrey Utah State University


This paper addresses the role of vision in the management of organization growth. Effective growth management requires that founders/executives envision the firm as a larger entity and anticipate critical changes which will need to occur. A five part strategy for expanding entrepreneurial vision in the growing firm is proposed. Elements of that strategy are as follows:  (a) get to know the territory, (b) recognize that change is inevitable, (c) revise your vision in· anticipation of increased size, (d) update your business plan, and (e) share the vision at every appropriate  opportunity.


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How to Cite

Beyond Survival: Reshaping Entrepreneurial Vision In Successful Growing Ventures. (1993). Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive Only), 4(1), 1-12.